Thursday 22 April 2010

what ar the pre production issues for the production company when making films


Whose idea was the film?
The boat that rocked was the original idea of Richard curtis. Richard curis is not just the writer but the director so the idea was started by Richard curtis the director and writer.

What is the genre?
A cross between titanic and the animal house

Where did the idea come from?
The boat that rocked storey line was based on true events of the 60s and the the film has used these events and made their own characters.

Who wrote he original script?
the script was hilary bevan the producer who helped the writer an script editor

How easy was the fincial backing ?
he had worked on previous films with working title films such as four weddings and a funeral ,noting hill and love actually. The finacial backers were working title film. The reason why this was good was they are allies with universal pictures and would no that there film will be screened in cinemas with the help of them.

Bill Nighty – Quentin
Philip Seymour Hoffamon – the count
Gemma arterton – desiree
Emma Thompson- charlotte
Kennth branagh – minister dormandy
January jones –eleonore